Amy Booth » About Me

About Me

Hello!  My name is Amy Booth, and I am excited to be teaching 8th graders math at Rockport Fulton Middle School.  My husband grew up here, and we moved to Rockport in 2022.  I have taught Middle School math since 1990, with a lot of breaks as I raised my own kids.  I have taught all levels from 6th grade through 12th grade, and 8th grade is my favorite!
I proudly graduated from Texas A&M University and met my husband there.  Besides teaching, my passions include my family, cooking, reading, being on the water, and following sports (especially college football!).  I have 4 grown children.  My oldest daughter is an attorney in Washington DC, my second daughter is in marketing at Chewy in Dallas, my son will be a pilot in the USAF when he completes training, and my daughter is a Chemistry major at UT ( husband and I have had to get used to wearing that burnt orange color...the things we do for our kids!).  
I want to see all students succeed and am happy to do whatever I can to help them succeed.  I understand that raising kids can be messy and difficult stages happen!  Please let me know if there is anything that I can do to help you or your student.
Mrs. Amy Booth
1st 8th Math
2nd Team planning
3rd 8th Math
4th Algebra Lab
5th Algebra
6th Algebra
7th Conference
8th Algebra Lab
Tutoring available:
Most mornings and afternoons, and during B lunch